Timor Primary School aims to develop confident learners who take ownership of their learning, are proud of their achievements and are well prepared for the ever-changing world that awaits them. Students are also encouraged to develop a social conscience, which enables them to contribute to their family, school and the wider community. Students will have success for today and be prepared for tomorrow.
Respect – Care and concern for self, others and property.Responsibility – Accountability towards self, others and all of our actions. Achieving our Potential – Try hard, pursue excellence.
Timor Primary School acknowledges that the behaviour of staff, parents, carers and students has an impact on our school community and culture. We acknowledge a shared responsibility to create a positive learning environment for the children and young people at our school.
As principals and school leaders, we will:
As teachers and non-teaching school staff, we will:
As parents and carers, we will:
As students, we will:
As community members, we will: